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News Update at 30th Dec 2020
We wish you all a happy new year and hope you will remember to renew your membership for 2021.
There has been a change to our April booking which will now be a Zoom demo of portraiture in pastels from Rob Wareing.
There is an EXTRA too! The opportunity to paint along with NZ artist Richard Robinson on 14th Jan. Fiona Gale gives all the info you need to know HERE

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What We Do
click a PHOTO for details
Every Summer - recently at Kennaway House, Sidmouth (Home of the Southwest Arts Academy)
Membership entitles you to
Submission of artwork to the Annual Exhibition
Free attendance at monthly art demonstrations (see "2024 Programme" tab for details)
Eligibility to book for reasonably priced Art Workshops -
A free page in the "Our' Galleries" section (on submission of photos of artwork to Chris Poole at
Eligibility to attend the Tuesday Morning Group (which charges a small fee to cover costs of hire, coffee and biscuits)
a regular newsletter telling you about the society’s activities.
Use of OVAS library (Which we are hoping to expand with some Art DVD's)
Few samples of OVAS's members
If you notice any errors or omissions on this site, or if you have suggestions for improvements or additions, we would really like to hear from you.
E-mail Chris Poole (OVAS website editor) at
Otter Vale Art Society
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