News Update at 30th Dec 2020
We wish you all a happy new year and hope you will remember to renew your membership for 2021.
There has been a change to our April booking which will now be a Zoom demo of portraiture in pastels from Rob Wareing.
There is an EXTRA too! The opportunity to paint along with NZ artist Richard Robinson on 14th Jan. Fiona Gale gives all the info you need to know HERE
NB Sorry but Mobile phone view is NOT recommended for this site. Laptop is much preferred
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at 7-30pm. on Friday 4th March 2016, at The Institute, Ottery St Mary.
Present: Phil Creek (President).
Mike Bird (Vice Chair) – Chairing this Meeting - following the mid-term resignation of 2015 Committee Members: Neil Marshall (Chair), Carole-Ann Pitfield ( Events Secretary), Carole Barnes (Social Secretary & Catering), Chris Sexton (Secretary).
Tim Walker (Treasurer). Penny Lamb Plus 21 other Members.
Apologies received from: Moya Lobb, Anita Forster, Jackie Ward, Pauline Hatfield, Jon Battell, Kevin Lucas.
Minutes of the last AGM held on 6th March 2015. Those minutes were approved by the Membership present: acceptance proposed by Pamela Daniels, seconded by Terry Davies, and signed by Mike Bird.
Matters Arising : None.
President’s Address : The President, Phil Creek, talked to the Members about ‘The significance of the Otter Vale locality, and how it influences his work, and his life. ART is at the centre of the EARTH, literally, and also, at the centre of our lives too. We learn through Art: Networking, Workshops, and Exhibitions, etc.’ Phil is very supportive of OVAS; he hopes to continue as President for at least three years.
Acting Chairman’s Report : Mike Bird welcomed Members to The 40th AGM; he then gave thanks to the President, outgoing committee members, and the members generally for their support. Mike also spoke to the group about the sad deaths of two OVAS Members: Martha Parker, and Mike Shaw……… A Minute Silence followed, in memory of them.
Election of Committee :
Position Nominee Proposer Seconder Chair……………………………......Mike Bird Carol Shaw Ann Brown Treasurer…………………………..Tim Walker John Atkinson Jenny Uren Secretary + Membership……Terry Davies Ann Willoughby Maureen Stone Events Secretary…………………Penny Lamb Jenny Savage Maureen Stone Library + Committee…………..Maureen Stone Hazel Abley Ann Brown Committee Member…………..Chris Poole Tim Walker Nikki Bitschi Committee Member…………..Carolyn Barker Hazel Abley Erica Willson Committee Member…………..Jackie Ward Carolyn Barker June Potter
All the above eight nominees were unopposed, and duly elected.
Programme Report : Penny Lamb gave a comprehensive report on the previous twelve months: Now that Penny has been elected she ‘ will put into action her planned, varied programme of Demos and Workshops for this year. The ‘Afternoon Meeting’ held last November was a success – and will be repeated in November 2016. Members have already shown interest in attending a Workshop with Norman Rossiter. The 2016 Membership Cards should be ready for distribution shortly.’ Some Members requested A Demo & possible Workshop, on Abstract/Semi Abstract Art.
Treasurer’s Report : Copies of the Financial Statement had been given to Members at the start of the AGM. The accounts had been audited by Hugh McGregor. There were no questions from the Membership present. Pamela Daniels ‘complimented the Treasurer on the clarity of his Financial Statement.’
Membership : The retiring Membership Secretary, Barry Parker, gave this report: ‘In December 2015 OVAS had a Membership Total of 86 paid up Members + 3 Life Members. Annual Renewal Notices were sent out in January 2016: 18 Members wrote back to him stating that they would not be renewing this year, + 3 Members passed away last year.
57 Members are paid up for 2016,+ 3 Life Members, + 1 new Member who joined at AGM. The incoming Secretary will have to send out Reminders to the 8 Members who still have to pay their 2016 Membership.
Web-site : Mike Bird spoke to the Members: about the OVAS Web-site, and how easy it is to access; he mentioned the economical benefits to OVAS of using e-communication as much as possible. Some Members complimented MB on his digital skills ref.OVAS Web-site. Any Other Business : Change to Afternoon Meetings monthly during Winter Months? A Straw Poll indicated a lot of interest in this suggestion…….however…… concern was raised for younger, working, Members, unable to attend. Decision UFN: One Afternoon Meeting only, in November. Christmas Lunch ? : ‘Members and Partners meeting for Lunch @ The Hare&Hounds Pub in December 2015 was enjoyable’…….it was agreed that this was a good idea for future December Meetings , in place of a formal Christmas Party. Hot Drinks @ Monthly Meetings ? : After a Discussion, MB suggested that we restart with a Volunteers Rota. Preference for a Workshop to follow day after a Demo ? Discussion led to 50/50 result – ref. Members preference. PL Viability of Demonstrator attending is a factor, as is also minimising transport and accommodation expenses . Carol Shaw reminded everyone that there is ‘a clause in the Constitution whereby Members providing accommodation for a Demonstrator can be reimbursed by OVAS.’
Carol Shaw gave ‘A Vote of Thanks to The New Committee Members’ on behalf of OVAS Membership.
The Winner of The Griffin Prize for ‘Tranquility,’ chosen by the Members: The Moonlit View of Crummock Water, in The Lake District, by Mike Bird.
The Chairman closed the Meeting at 8-30pm.
Linda Hampson then gave a very interesting ,and informative, Talk to her fellow Members on ‘The Trials of Framing.’