News Update at 30th Dec 2020
We wish you all a happy new year and hope you will remember to renew your membership for 2021.
There has been a change to our April booking which will now be a Zoom demo of portraiture in pastels from Rob Wareing.
There is an EXTRA too! The opportunity to paint along with NZ artist Richard Robinson on 14th Jan. Fiona Gale gives all the info you need to know HERE
NB Sorry but Mobile phone view is NOT recommended for this site. Laptop is much preferred
Minutes of The Annual General Meeting held at 7-30pm. on Friday 3rd March 2017, at The Institute, Ottery St. Mary.
Present: Phil Creek (President)
…………….Mike Bird (Chairman)
…………….Tim Walker (Treasurer)
…………….Terry Davies (Secretary + Membership)
…………….Penny Lamb (Events Secretary)
Plus………24 Other members
Apologies received from: Mike Blakey, Michael Ware, Carol Shaw, Jackie Ward, Brenda Lovell, Alison Witchell, John Atkinson, Hazel Abley, Pat Gamble, Jane Lee, Erica Willson, Jenny Savage.
Minutes of the AGM 4th March 2016 :
The Minutes were approved by the Membership present: acceptance proposed by Carolyn Barker, and seconded by Enid Ebborn. Matters Arising : None.
President’s Address :
The President, Phil Creek talked to the Members about ‘ Art being a lifetime journey of exploration - and challenges too, that can stretch individual, artistic, ability. Trips to Art Exhibitions: viewing the work of other Artists is informative as well.’ Phil said that He is happy to be OVAS President for more than the expected three years - if the Members wish him to do so ? ’...... (This statement was greeted with applause from the members present.) Members were asked ‘to continue supporting their hardworking Committee….and…. to keep painting!’
Chairman’s Report, and Election of Committee Members :
Mike Bird thanked The President for his positive support, and his commitment to Otter Vale Art Society. Mike asked the Membership for suggestions ref possible trips to Art Exhibitions that could be arranged for interested groups. The Treasurer, Tim Walker was thanked for his exemplary work as Society Treasurer, and also, thanks were given to all the Members of the Committee for their sterling work. Re-Election of Committee :
Position Nominee Proposer Seconder
Chair……………………………… Mike Bird Pauline Hatfield Chloe Brice
Treasurer…...................... Tim Walker Jenny Uren Nikki Bitschi
Secretary + Membership.. Terry Davies Ann Willoughby Anita Forster
Events Secretary………...... Penny Lamb Chris Poole Pauline Hatfield
Hon.Secretary………………. Jacqueline Ward Ann Willoughby Pauline Hatfield
Committee Member……… Maureen Stone Ken Appleton Anita Forster
Committee Member………. Carolyn Barker Pauline Hatfield Maureen Stone
Committee Member………. Chris Poole Nikki Bitschi Ann Brown
Committee Member………. Nikki Bitschi Terry Davies Anita Forster
No other volunteers came forward for The Committee. A Publicity Secretary is still required: currently, all Committee Members share this duty.
Events Secretary’s Report:
Penny Lamb reported that she had arranged a varied programme of Demos and Workshops last year, and, also for this year: Three Workshops are planned : the first in May with Watercolour Landscape Artist, Jem Bowden; the second workshop in June will be En Plein Sketching in Topsham with Nick Watton. The third workshop will be with mixed media – later in the year. This year’s programme has been chosen to challenge, and stretch member’s artistic talents.
Treasurer’s Report:
Members were shown copies of The Accounts Statement. Tim Walker said “No major outlay this last year. There was a slight loss because of a drop in membership numbers that year, offset by a small profit from the OVAS Exhibition.” Acceptance of The Accounts was proposed by Chloe Brice, and seconded by Carolyn Barker. Membership Secretary’s Report: Terry Davies said “ At the AGM last year OVAS had a Membership Total of 61 paid up Members + 3 Life Members. During the rest of 2016 we added 11 new members, and so far in 2017 we have added a further 6 new members. Set against this, we have 4 new members not renewing (sadly, including one death) and 3 new members who have not yet responded to reminders. So, as of today, we have 71 paid up Members and 3 Life Members, plus the 3 Members who are yet to respond. Plan : to pursue more membership via the new dwellings in Ottery; also, would like members to discuss with friends ( and possibly spouses and partners)………as word of mouth is most powerful tool for attracting new members. “
Website :
Chris Poole said “ he was pleased with the varied entries for the AGM ‘Otter Vale Imagery’ Competition – all the entries were being photographed. Members were being asked to send in their art profiles - for insertion into OVAS Members Gallery .” Chris has offered to take digital photos of artwork – for any Member who needs assistance. Pauline Hatfield complimented Chris Poole on the new, user friendly, OVAS Website.
Carolyn Barker informed the Membership ref the updating of the contents of the OVAS Library: New Books and a few DVDs have been added. Members said that they like DVDs. DVDs are quite expensive to buy – so Carolyn will discuss this with the Treasurer. Jenny Uren suggested ‘putting Demo recordings onto disc/dvd – for Members to borrow’ – this was thought not to be possible at the moment, because of our recording equipment and copyright liability.
Chloe Brice said “ How much she, and others, enjoy the weekly Tuesday Painting Group held at The Ottery St. Mary Cricket Club ……..and how much the Group owes to Hazel Abley, the Group’s Founder – who sadly is ill, and in hospital. All The OVAS Members wish Hazel well again soon.
Terry Davies organised this for the Members, following on from Refreshments.
AGM Competition:
“ Otter Vale Imagery”…….Judged by the Members present. Phil Creek presented The Griffin Memorial Trophy
to the Winner : Carolyn Barker Mike Bird and Jenny Uren were Runners up. All three pictures may be used in
publicity for OVAS 2017 Exhibition.
The Chairman closed the Meeting at 9-25pm.