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News Update at 30th Dec 2020
We wish you all a happy new year and hope you will remember to renew your membership for 2021.
There has been a change to our April booking which will now be a Zoom demo of portraiture in pastels from Rob Wareing.
There is an EXTRA too! The opportunity to paint along with NZ artist Richard Robinson on 14th Jan. Fiona Gale gives all the info you need to know HERE

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Hope Cove

Hefted to the hills

Pink poppies

Mixed media
Carol Shaw
I am a local artist and I brlong to three local art societies and to the Society of Equstrian Artists.
I took up painting when I could no longer ride due to ill health some years ago. Art has been a great pleasure and a source of inspiration, making new friends, and visiting artists in their studios during open art weekends; also various galleries all over the country.
Local artists such as Ray Balkwill and Sarah Bell have been a great influence and a source of help and encouragement over the years.
I also studied painting and drawing at Bicton College where I was awarded the St Cuthbert's Paper Mill prize for the Best Watercolour Student in 2007.
I enjoy the beautiful colours and transparency of watercolour but also like to experiment with mixed media, pastel, and acrylic paints.
I love painting animals, particularly horses, sheep, cows and ducks. i find animals the most difficult but also the most rewarding subject, and I try to express their spirit and character.
A sketchbook is always in my handbag to use on trains, buses, trips, whenever there are a few minutes to spare.
There is great enjoyment in having a day out sketching and painting landscapes. Favourite subjects are thatched cottages, moorland - particularly Woodbury Common and Dartmoor -, also harbours and rivers especially the Exe Estuary and the Rivers Otter and Teign.

Otter Vale Art Society
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