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Robin McIntyre

Robin enjoyed art as a child, but after leaving school at 16 to pursue a career in engineering, the next forty years were devoted to his family and profession.

In spring of 2020 he was suddenly faced with a period of furlough stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, and this enforced lay-off afforded him the opportunity to rediscover his passion for art, and more specifically painting.

“Picking up a brush and painting again has been a real joy after such a long absence. It has been a huge learning curve of course, particularly as I’d never previously painted in oils. There are some fabulous tutorial videos on line however which have helped hugely. Mark Carder and Andrew Tischler are two artist I have come to admire enormously, and I’ve found the videos from both of these artists very helpful”.

“I paint in water soluble oils as this lends itself nicely to my way of painting. It’s also very low odour and super easy to clean up”.

Robin particularly enjoys painting portraits, landscapes and scenes connected with bygone railways.

Ocean View.jpg

Otter Vale Art Society

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