News Update at 30th Dec 2020
We wish you all a happy new year and hope you will remember to renew your membership for 2021.
There has been a change to our April booking which will now be a Zoom demo of portraiture in pastels from Rob Wareing.
There is an EXTRA too! The opportunity to paint along with NZ artist Richard Robinson on 14th Jan. Fiona Gale gives all the info you need to know HERE

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MEMO: These are so far unused CURRENT members' profiles, taken from the A4 black portfolio kept in the Institute cupboard
'z' photos in this gallery [right] are copies of profiles and pictures by EX-members. Look into possibility of contacting them in the future ?? - though only after getting clearance
1) Hazel Abley. Created gallery. Not contacted yet for approval or request for more pix. 17/03/2107
2) Ann Brown. Created gallery. Sent e-mail request for more and for approval. 17/03/2017
3) Carolyn Barker. Updated gallery. Sent e-mail request for more and for approval. 17/03/2017
4) Penny Lamb. Updated gallery. Sent e-mail request for more and for approval. 18/03/2017
5) Brenda Lovell Sent e-mail request for permission to create new gallery. 18/03/2017
6) Jon Battell Sent e-mail request for artwork and permission to create new gallery. 18/03/2017
7) Maureen Stone. Sent e-mail request for pix. 18/3/17
8) Terry Davies. Sent e-mail reminder for more pix and/or profile update. ALSO request to add his e-mail address to "How To Join" page
Wyn Appleford [no e-mail address]
... was born and educated in Aberdeen, Scotland. It was not until she was living in Ireland, in 1967, that she became interested in painting. Since then she has travelled and lived in many countries each one helping to broaden her painting experience of the maritime world of fishing boats and harbours.
She has now settled in Devon where the delightful scenery provides her with endless material for producing her paintings. She is hard-pressed to match supply with the demand for her work and already she has paintings owned by collectors throughout the world.
Wyn had no formal training but her association with the Ben Maile Gallery has given impetus to her work which now shows a feeling for colour and has a distinctive style of her own.
Jon Battell [e-mail but no pictures yet]
Jon paints mainly in watercoloours although he has experimented with other media. His preferred subjects are buildings but he has painted still lifes, seascapes and flowers. He and his wife moved to Ottery in 2001. He has not exhibited at all except at a small show in Seaton.
Brenda Lovell
Brenda has returned to painting in the last 10 years. She paints mainly in watercolour and her favourite subjects include landscapes, flowers and animals.
[awaiting permission 18/3/17]
June Potter [no e-mail]
June spent two years at Exeter Art School at 17, then a long gap, working, family etc. She joined the Art Society when Gregory Davies was President and a founder member. She first attended his life-drawing
classes before becoming a member of his painting group, working in oils. She greatly admired his style of painting. Afterwards she attended Clare Goodman's Summer Painting groups.
June also works in pastel and more recently in acrylics. June has exhibitedat the West Hill Primary School continuously from the outset.
Jean Williams
Jean is an Exonian and a retired teacher. She returned to painting after a gap of forty years. She paints in watercolours, almost exclusively, and her subjects are generally local areas of interest,still life and the occasional abstract.
Anne Willoughby
Anne has painted for 25 years and uses a variety of media. She commuted once a month for 10 years to Robin Child's Art School in Wiltshire during the 1990's. She exhibited and sold her work on 3 occasions at the Royal West of England Academy, Bristol. A number of pictures have gone abroad.
She regularly exhibits and sells her work at Ottery St Mary where she has won several awards for her work.
Carol Barnes Jean Coleman Derek Brooks Simon Eastwood Carole Gibbs Janet Mitchell Mike Parkyn Derek Ratcliffe
Heather Strong Iris Turner Jennifer Upham Helen Wakefield John Wakefield Jackie Welland
Barbara White