News Update at 30th Dec 2020
We wish you all a happy new year and hope you will remember to renew your membership for 2021.
There has been a change to our April booking which will now be a Zoom demo of portraiture in pastels from Rob Wareing.
There is an EXTRA too! The opportunity to paint along with NZ artist Richard Robinson on 14th Jan. Fiona Gale gives all the info you need to know HERE

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4th November 2016 The Traditional Way of Making Paper with Jim Patterson
On the afternoon of Friday 4th November, members of OVAS were enthralled by a demonstration of how hand-made rag water colour paper is produced. Jim runs the Two Rivers Paper Company which is located at Pitt Mill near Watchet in Somerset (see http://www.tworiverspaper.co/themill.html ) Paper making goes back about 2,500 years but there are now only a handful of companies in Europe employing the technique that Jim demonstrated. He has been involved in the trade for 52 years and now hopes to hand on his knowledge to successors through an apprenticeship scheme.
For artists, the use of traditional materials will add quality and interest to their work and being personally involved with each stage the production process, Jim is able to ensure the right blend of longevity, appearance, absorbency and price for the discerning watercolourist.
This was a fascinating practical demonstration, much enjoyed by all those present.