News Update at 30th Dec 2020
We wish you all a happy new year and hope you will remember to renew your membership for 2021.
There has been a change to our April booking which will now be a Zoom demo of portraiture in pastels from Rob Wareing.
There is an EXTRA too! The opportunity to paint along with NZ artist Richard Robinson on 14th Jan. Fiona Gale gives all the info you need to know HERE

NB Sorry but Mobile phone view is NOT recommended for this site. Laptop is much preferred

OVAS OnLine Exhibition 2020

Now extended until 31st December 2020
Straight off to see the Exhibition pictures? And Why not?
Well, there are 4 gallery pages. Click on any of these links:
Or here's what you may need to know first!:
Artworks are available for viewing here and for sale until 31st December 2020.
If interested in buying an artwork, please contact Chris Poole at charybdis72@hotmail.co.uk He will forward your email to the artist who will then contact you. OVAS will not collect any commission. The sales of any work will be a contract between the artist and purchaser. P&P will be in addition to the stated cost (where local delivery/collection is not applicable)
Scroll down the page to see the full catalogue details - or see the relevant part-catalogue, located at the bottom of each gallery page
Your Most Popular Artists were
1st Place Carolyn Barker
2nd Place Di Clatworthy
3rd Place (Tie) Ann Brown, Linda Hampson, Chris Poole
And Most Popular Pictures:
1st Place #9 Evening Light by Carolyn Barker
2nd Place (4-way Tie!)
#30 Incoming Tide Over Rockpools by Ann Brown
#40 Dartmoor View by Di Clatworthy
#46 Bay Warch by Di Edwards
#132 After Summer Rain by Thelma Woodward
Local artist Nick Watton kindly took the time to be our judge for the exhibition and gave us the results of his judging on 6th August. His choices were
First Place: #12 Carolyn Barker Inrushing Tide
Second Place: #96 Chris Poole Expecting To Fly
Third Place: #107 Mike Stevens Bowie
Commended: #5 John Atkinson Houseboats
#48 Carolyn Feast Who? Me?
#59 Fiona Gale Topsham, Evening Light
#66 Linda Hampson Snowy Owl

1st Place


2nd Place