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OVAS Exhibition 2022 

The 2022 exhibition ran from 5th-13th August 2022. Yet again the standard of entries was very high, and we were pleased to see submissions this year from some younger artists.

Popular Vote 2022
Congratulations to Robin McIntyre for his Redrock Sentinels
2nd, Lucie Sivier-Voller with Frieze Frame I
3rd, Carolyn Barker with Playing In the River
th Redrock Sentinels Robin McI oil.jpg
2022  Exhibition
Yet again many visitors commented on the great diversity and high quality of artwork on display. 
Jo Vollers kindly agreed to act as this year's judge. Jo is an exciting intuitive painter working in oils and acrylics. She developed her love of colour and light from her early years growing up in Australia, but has been an established artist in East Devon for 30 years. Many of her paintings sit between figurative and abstraction, colours and how they interact with each other being so important. She considers a painting should grow its own personality "to meet the creative thought" - to paraphrase Ivon Hitchens.
Many of Jo's exciting paintings can be found on her website
As well as a return of many of our regular exhibitors - who maintained their high standards to inspire us yet again - this year we were delighted to welcome some much younger exhibiting newcomers. One of whom, Lucie Sivier-Voller [no relation!] deservedly won the Mixed Media prize (and Second Place in the 'Visitors' Choice vote) for her exceptional dance study "Frieze Frame I".
2022  Preview evening and awards [click on any picture to enter the slideshow]
Pictures At An Exhibition [2022]
Here's a small selection of other works. Everything from blue crabs to yellow apples! If your work is not here it's not that we don't like it. It may be that the reflections on the picture were too prominent. Send me a clear photo and I'm happy to add it [Chris Poole]
And a few more! :-)
2022 prizes
2022 Picture selction
More Pictures

Otter Vale Art Society

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