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News Update at 30th Dec 2020
We wish you all a happy new year and hope you will remember to renew your membership for 2021.
There has been a change to our April booking which will now be a Zoom demo of portraiture in pastels from Rob Wareing.
There is an EXTRA too! The opportunity to paint along with NZ artist Richard Robinson on 14th Jan. Fiona Gale gives all the info you need to know HERE

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Nick Watton is a talented artist and a compulsive sketcher ever since childhood.
He brought us a homework he had done as a young teenager. Most teenagers, asked to sketch something they had seen, wouldn't come back with a tableau of a dozen superbly observed black biro vignettes of blackberries, grasses and a host of other details that had caught their eye.
We also saw a portfolio of commissioned designs for limited edition stamps and so on, all immaculate.
For his demonstration, Nick produced the three works shown here. With a fluent style and easy manner, Nick reminded us that a quick sketch often has an immediacy and vitality that can easily be lost in an overworked studio effort. And if [if!] you can manage a sketch in 20 minutes or so, if it goes wrong, So What? Throw it away. And the reward is that you may have quickly captured something fresh, spontaneous and paradoxically lasting.
See also Nick's website

Otter Vale Art Society
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