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News Update at 30th Dec 2020
We wish you all a happy new year and hope you will remember to renew your membership for 2021.
There has been a change to our April booking which will now be a Zoom demo of portraiture in pastels from Rob Wareing.
There is an EXTRA too! The opportunity to paint along with NZ artist Richard Robinson on 14th Jan. Fiona Gale gives all the info you need to know HERE

NB Sorry but Mobile phone view is NOT recommended for this site. Laptop is much preferred

OVAS meets for an artist's demonstration at 7:30PM on the first Friday of the month, April-July and Sept-Nov. [Nov meetings are usually in the afternoon]
At Ottery Cricket Club (except for May - August)
there is ample parking.
At The Ottery Institute, Yonder Street, Ottery St Mary EX11 1HD. . There is parking immediately behind the hall, and access for disabled members.
Demo Write-ups:-
This year
Previous years
Further details [Artists' websites, forthcoming meetings] can be found HERE
At our demonstrations we see professional artists at work and hear them explain their thought processes and techniques while watching the works evolve before our eyes. These sessions always provide fascinating insights into the creative process. A high quality projector displays the work onto a screen for easy viewing and allows us to zoom in on details too.
Visitors are welcome [non-members £3].
These are held several times a year so that members can get practical instruction from visiting artists. Workshops are often arranged to follow the demonstrations, usually on a Saturday. For details of cost and availability of places etc please contact
Penny Lamb, See also HERE for dates etc.
Otter Vale Art Society
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